BIG VOICE .CL ASIO version downloads

BIG VOICE .CL ASIO version downloads

All you need for installing your SOUND4 BIG VOICE .CL in ASIO

BIG VOICE .CL ASIO version downloads

Windows Compatible - 64 bits - Runs on 10, 11, server 2019, 2022

Audio Stream Input/Output (ASIO) is a computer audio interface driver protocol for digital audio specified by Steinberg, providing high data throughput, synchronization, and low latency between a software application and a computer's audio interface or sound card. Thanks to the ASIO version, users can use the BIG VOICE .CL without hearing any latency!

Release versions v1.1.2 - 2024-10-10:

BIG VOICE .CL ASIO earlier versions
BIG VOICE .CL Processing Engine Library changelog