Kantar SNAP Watermarking for SOUND4 WM2
1 - How to get Authorization Code for Kantar Licenses request
Go to the web page of the processor using your preferred web browser.
Click Setup → KANTAR License → Download Authorization Code
Accept the download file “AuthorizationCode.txt” which can be used to request your licenses.
If you have setup some Processor Rights Management, you may have to login to access this.
2 - How to get request Licenses
In order to get a watermarking embedding license, please contact Kantarmedia support at http://www.kantarmedia.com/watermarkinghelpdesk with following information:
- Product name and version
- Customer name
- Country
- If different, country of broadcast
- Channel(s) to watermark
- Customer internal name for the hardware platform
- AuthorizationCode for each hardware
3 - How to install the watermarking licenses
Go to the web page of the processor using your preferred web browser.
Click Setup → KANTAR License → “Upload lic File” and select the “license.lic” file you received.
Click Setup → KANTAR License → “Upload aud File” and select the “license.aud” file you received.
4 - How to configure the watermarking
Go to the web page of the processor using your preferred web browser.
On the main screen, you can select the Watermarking channel directly.
5 - How to find system logs regarding watermarking
Go to the web page of the processor using your preferred web browser.
Click Setup → Maintenance → Logs → Direct Access.
Select the “Watermarking” module.
All KANTAR SDK related log lines have KANTAR_SNAP: in the line.
6 - Watermarking Time synchronization
The watermarlink time synchronization is done every 12 hours.
However, the underlying system must have NTP synchronization working.
You can check the status at the bottom of the web page.
For NTP, from web interface go to Setup→Network/NTP Setup →NTP /Time and setup timezone and NTP servers.
7 - How much delay is induced by the watermarking process
The watermarking induce a huge delay which can not be reduced.
When routing an input to the output (so bypassing the watermarking), the delay is around 130 (analog and digital) and up to 260ms (AES67/Livewire).
With the watermarking (default routing), the delay is around 215 ms (analog and digital) and up to 340 ms (AES67/Livewire), so around 85 ms are added by the watermarking.
8 - Watermarking function start-stop impact
This is not possible to stop Watermarking function.
However, it is possible to change the output routing for each output.