The Full RDS service needs 2 things to work:
- a valid Full RDS license
- the Full RDS service running
The Full RDS License is displayed as "Option Full RDS/UECP" in the licenses list.
It is available on all FM processors (Impact, Pulse, First) in box or in card.
Note that Eco boxes do not have RS232 connector for UECP. You will have to use UDP, TCP or a USB-RS232 adapter.
All UECP commands work except Radio Paging and a few specific others.
We follow all features and conventions from:
- IEC 62106:2009(E)
- SPB 490 Version 7.05 (24 feb 2010)
Here are the full features:
- Site/Address count: unlimited
- 16 Dataset
- 16 Programme service per dataset
- 16 RadioText messages
- 1024 AF and 1024 EONAF
- For TDC, EWS, IH, TMC, Free Format Messages (per group), ODA short messages (per application), ODA Free Format messages (per application/group), the following buffer sizes are implemented:
- 4 for Urgent/Immediate messages
- 8 for Normal messages
- 64 for Cyclic messages
- TDC, EWS, IH, TMC, ODA are fully supported.
Here is the list of features not ready yet:
- Radio Paging
- Scrolling PS (not normalized in UECP)
- Automation (not normalized in UECP)
- RT+ and eRT (not normalized in UECP)
- UECP specific message commands (manufacturer specific, Astra ADR, DAB, DVB-S)
Full RDS Service on boxes
The Full RDS Service must be enabled.
This can be done from Remote Control or from Web server.
From Web server
Login to the box as admin and go to Setup->Services Management->Services
Select On for SOUND4 Full RDS, and clic Ok.
The restart procedure may last more than 5 minutes.
From Remote Control
Login to the box as admin and go to Setup->Advanced->Services Management
Select Enabled for Enable Full RDS, and clic Apply.
The restart procedure may last more than 5 minutes.
Full RDS Service on cards
You have to install the Full RDS Extension on the PC where the card is.
For Windows, download Full RDS Extension from and install it.
For Ubuntu, sudo apt install sound4fullrds
When service is running and License is valid, in Setup->FULL RDS there are general configuration to define ports and addresses.
On the workspace, there is a Full RDS tab, where you can define all main parameters. Those can be set directly from UECP.
For boxes, the RS232 pinout is described in RS232
Additional RS232 ports may be added with USB adapter(s).
UDP/TCP ports use the Admin Ethernet port.